Breaker hammer for excavator, also known as hydraulic breaker hammer, is a heavy equipment installed on an excavator, mainly used to break concrete, rocks and other hard materials. It uses a hydraulic system to transfer energy to the internal hammer head, achieving breaking through rapid impact. The breaker hammer for excavator is widely applied for demolition, foundation excavation in construction projects, crushing ore of mining, and paving and maintaining roads in highway and railway construction. If you have specific needs or questions, please contact us for further communication. Whatsapp/Wechat/Phone: +86 183 3712 3872

breaker hammer for excavator
breaker hammer for the excavator

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Parameter of the Breaker Hammer for Excavator


Main Features

  1. High efficiency: It can process a large number of materials quickly and improve operating efficiency.
  2. Versatility: The breaker hammer for excavators can be used in mining, building demolition, road construction, and other occasions.
  3. Adjustable force: The crushing force can be adjusted according to the needs of the task.
  4. Strong durability: the breaker hammer is generally made of high-strength materials and can withstand high-intensity working environments.
excavator breaker hammer for sale display
excavator breaker hammer for sale display

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Precautions for Use

  1. Safe operation: Wear personal protective equipment during operation to ensure the safety of the work area.
  2. Regular maintenance: Check the wear of hydraulic oil, seals, and hammerheads regularly to extend the service life of the equipment.
  3. Moderate use: Avoid overloading, reasonably control working time, and prevent equipment damage.
hydraulic breaker hammer for sale
hydraulic breaker hammer for sale

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Application Scope

Excavator breaker hammers are widely used in the following fields:

  • Building demolition: Used for demolition of old buildings, crushing of reinforced concrete, etc.
  • Road and bridge maintenance: It plays an important role in highway repair, cement road crushing, foundation excavation, and other projects.
  • Mining: The hydraulic breaker hammer can be used in mining, mountain excavation, mining, secondary crushing, and other operations.
  • Municipal gardening: It is also used in municipal gardening projects such as concrete crushing, water and electricity engineering construction, old city reconstruction, etc.
  • Other fields: Slag cleaning in the metallurgical industry, tunnel excavation of railways, road and bridge demolition, hull removal rust removal of ships, and so on.
hydraulic excavator breaker hammer
hydraulic excavator breaker hammer

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